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Riverside Club Clothing 

Our mission is to create clothing that makes people proud to represent the club - on and off the court.

Winter Collection

We are excited to bring you our Winter 2021 collection just in time for Christmas! Although prices from the supplier have increased, we have been able to keep the costs to you level by limiting the range to our most popular designs.  We are also offering a new range of garments with our small embroided ‘R Logo’ for the first time, which we think will prove very popular based on previous feedback.

navy hoodie g&w logo.png



In order to get the clothing before Christmas we are setting an order deadline of Friday 3rd December. To order please email us with the full details (garment, colour, size, logo) to and pay the full amount via bank transfer before the deadline date via bank transfer. Sort Code: 40:40:14 Acc Number: 61807226 Riverside Tennis Club Coaching Account Please reference the transfer as "Clothing". If you have any questions regarding the clothing feel free to send us an email!  



How To Order

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