
At Riverside we are extremely lucky to have so many members who are willing to give up their time to help out the club. This helps us keep the cost of running the club down which in turn means lower membership fees for everyone!

Volunteering Activities!
Firstly, did you know that our club is run mainly by its volunteer members?
Here's just some of what goes on:
Budgeting, fee collection and project finance eg new courts
Membership growth, communication, satisfaction, website and renewals
Maintenance and repair of courts, grounds and clubhouse
Organising eg tournaments, ladders, matches, club play sessions and social
Administration eg liaising with LTA/local government, completing grant applications, designing posters/leaflets, buying at the best price eg balls and nets
Advertising and marketing of club, events, coaching etc....
Helping with social events - devising quizes and treasure hunts, making cakes, leading walks etc......
That's a lot of unpaid volunteer hours and adds up to a huge saving for the club! This is how we manage to keep our fees so low despite offering so much for our members!

What skills are we looking for?
Everyone can help!
A lot of the tasks we need help with do not require any specialist skills - just enthusiasm and a desire to get stuck in! For instance, last month a group of us got together to lay the new gravel path leading to the new courts.
Additionally, if you have specialist skills and/or knowledge which you are happy to offer the club from time to time, we'd love to hear from you. The sort of areas we're thinking of include legal, surveying, marketing, IT, journalism, engineering, commercial experience, baking, graphic design, architecture, photography, horticulture, etc.....

How can you help?
There are many different ways in which you can volunteer - these range from helping with small jobs around the club and rise to volunteering to be Chairperson!
Why not start small? Hopefully you will enjoy it and will be keen to volunteer for one of our committees (no pressure though!)
Club Projects Over The Next Few Months
Gardening - the area around our new courts and hedge trimming will require volunteers for working parties!
Helping with Open Days. Once Open Days are permitted again, we will be running some of these and will be looking for people to help with catering, chatting to prospective new members, help with booking in participants etc
Baking cakes for social events/tournaments.
Running social events.
Painting the club house.
Volunteer for our Sub Committees
We know "Committee" isn't a popular word, however our sub-committees are just small groups of people running different parts of the club. These are fun and rewarding to be involved with and meetings usually include cakes, biscuits and bottles of wine - why not give it a go!!
Our sub committees include:
Tournament Committee
Marketing Committee
Selection Committee - Meets two or three times per year to decide which leagues/teams to enter and then select captains and squads!
Development Committee
Finally you can volunteer for a role on our Main Committee. This is elected each year at the AGM and is a lot more fun than you'd think! We're very open to new ideas and are keen to welcome enthusiastic volunteers. Our current roles include Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Men's and Ladies' Captain, Membership Secretary, Match Secretary, Tournament Secretary, Social Secretary, Marketing Co-ordinator, House & Grounds Officer, Club Play Coordinator and Club Coach/Coordinator.
If you are interested in helping, please have a chat with either Liz or Carolyn or email riverside.ltc@gmail.com We'd love to hear from you!