This summer we have entered the following leagues:
3 Team in Hants and IOW Mens Doubles
3 Teams in the Ladies Doubles Leagues
2 Teams in the Vets teams for Mens Over 55 (2 teams),
1 Team in Mens Over 45 LEague
2 Teams in the Ladies Over 50s.
We also have two teams in the Apsley Mixed League, one team in the local Sarum League and a Men's team in the Wiltshire NCL.

Riverside runs lots of internal tournaments for members to play in throughout the year.
These include a variety of events:
Annual Summer closed Tournament
Chairmen's Cup Competition - Sunday 8 May 2022
Rhind-Tutt Tournament - Sunday 14 August 2022
Barrett Trophy - Sunday 3 July 2022
Champagne Doubles
100+ Tournament - Sunday 11 September
New Year's Day Tournament
Singles Box League

Junior Competition
Our juniors have the opportunity to play regular matches. We have internal competitions, including the junior club championships which the finals are played on the club finals day. We also compete in the national club league matches against other clubs in the area.