The World Tennis Number is a new global rating system created by the LTA and the ITF. Over 100 nations have signed up to adopt the new system. These make up 78% of the world's tennis playing population. Its algorithm, which analyses performance data and millions of match results, will provide players with a more accurate rating than ever which updates in real time as results come in.

The main reason for the change is that the previous system stopped being an accurate reflection of a players ability. In short the system only worked for regularly competing tournament players and was too inflexible even for them. This lead to inaccurate ratings which skewed the system even further. The World Tennis Number looks to fix a lot of those flaws. The algorithm uses up to 4 years of match result data to calculate your rating. Eligible results are no longer restricted to LTA competitions, club matches will now contribute to your rating, including doubles matches. Players will now have a doubles rating as well as a singles rating for the first time ever!
A good rating system is important for tennis, a sport in which relatively small differences in standards can lead to one sided and less enjoyable matches. An effective rating system will help players find similarly skilled players to hit or play against, especially when combined with the online community which the ITF hopes will be the largest online tennis community in the world. The platform, which is free to use, has been developed with the aim of revolutionising tennis at the recreational level and providing federations with the digital infrastructure to engage with players, enable new competition formats and drive participation at a national level. The ITF hope that all of this combines to reach their goal of increasing participation by 30 million players over the next decade. Find out everything there is to know about the new system here: